Solve Advertising Creates One-Of-A-Kind Billboard In Minneapolis
By The Minneapolis Egotist / /
Solve sent us this message and this creative. And, well, it was too good not to share.
“We’re Solve, an advertising agency located in downtown Minneapolis. We have a fun, light-hearted story for you. As we’ve started to return to our office (located above the Lunds & Byerlys on 12th & Hennepin) after an extended period of working from home, we were reminded of something. A giant billboard, visible directly from our space, blocks our view of the glorious Minneapolis skyline.”
“From lawyer ads to movie promos, this non-stop series of less-than-ideal aesthetics steals our view and hinders our ideating abilities. So being an ad agency focused on creativity, we did what we do best: we solved this problem – with our own billboard that brings back the skyline, and our view. For a short two weeks, we’re making all of our employees’ return to the office just a little sweeter.”
“This is one example of a broader agency effort focused on unique ways to solve problems we encounter, wherever we encounter them.”
Janine July 20, 2022
Excellent work Solve. As an art teacher I’ve endeavored to model critical thinking skills when problems arise. I believe developing that leads to one’s creative ideation abilities. It worked for Einstein.
Tys July 20, 2022
Here we go. First sign of a recession, agencies have real work to show and spend their time and money promoting their own mediocore ideas.
Peacock Flynn July 27, 2022
OOH is a blight that must be removed from our employees’ line of sight so that they aren’t accidentally distracted from concepting and producing some really disruptive OOH!
John July 28, 2022
Smart and creative idea!