Lead-Generation Workshop

April 11, 2024
10:30 am to 04:30 pm
15 S 5th St, Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55402
Brilliant Metrics

Are you sending out a lead-gen SOS? Your success and recognition hinge on an effective lead strategy, but you’re struggling to:

– Generate enough high-quality leads 
– Target and reach your ideal customer
– Convert the leads you do get

Brilliant Metrics is partnering with fjorge on April 11th in Minneapolis to bring you a marketing workshop where you’ll build a more effective lead-gen plan for your organization in just 6 hours! Forget gimmicks and costly software. Use our simple framework to make lead generation straightforward, easy, and effective.

Seats are filling up – register your sales and marketing team now: https://www.brilliantmetrics.com/knowledge/live-events/minneapolis-b2b-lead-gen-workshop/

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