Media LAB | With Allison Kaplan

August 7, 2018
06:30 pm to 09:00 pm
1629 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN
LAB Mpls

Some of the best exposure for your business can’t be bought. An editorial mention in a magazine or a segment featuring your service or product on TV is powerful, and yet can seem out of your control. How do you attract the attention of a reporter, an editor, a radio host, or TV producer? How is that relationship different than working with a publicist, or a pay-for-play blogger/influencer? What can you do to earn positive press, when is it appropriate to try to insert your business in the news, and once you have their attention, how do you make the most of a media opportunity? Get the inside perspective from a longtime journalist with experience across channels—from newspapers and magazines to radio, TV, and digital media.

– An understanding of what makes a media story, and how it’s different from print to broadcast
– Ideas on how best to present and package yourself for different media outlets
– Knowledge of what assets you need to have ready for reporters to improve your chances of being featured
– Story ideas designed to appeal to reporters
– A nut graph (journalist lingo for elevator pitch) about your business that you could use on the phone with a reporter or on air during a live segment

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